Faith Embraced in Understanding
If it is true that God is infinitely greater than any created thing, including the human mind,
If it is true that finite creatures differ from one another only finitely (because they are all creatures),
THEN Theology is the most noble and difficult of human intellectual endeavors. For when we turn our minds to the heights of the heavens or the depths of the sub-atomic level, however difficult these investigations may be, we are nevertheless looking at things that are of the same sort as we are. But when we turn our minds to God, we have before us that which so exceeds our capacity that we should have no knowledge of it whatsoever if it did not offer itself to us to be known.
But, as is said in the quote above, the end of theology is not merely knowledge about God, but the type of knowledge that turns over effortlessly into worship. Indeed, I would say that theology, rightly done, is a way of obeying the command to worship God with our minds.
And so in these courses I am to make the richness of the Christian intellectual tradition and the inexhaustibility of the mysteries of Christian doctrine available to everyone with a heart to explore them. These courses make the same excellence in theological education that I offered at places like Yale available to you. Each of these courses offers seminary level content, in a form that is accessible to the layperson without being dumbed down.
So come inside, and think along with the thoughts of God.

Theological Studies Courses
The Christian faith is an intellectually rigorous account of the nature of reality. Courses in this area challenge you to think along with some of the greatest minds of human history, men and women who felt that intellect without devotion was vain, and so ever sought to elevate their reflection into worship.

Collations Series
In these informal events, I explore big questions , usually with a practical angle. The goal is to bring deep truths to bear on the way we encounter the world, and to offer a space for guided conversation about weighty matters. From the dynamics of reading Scripture to the necessity of dragons, these events challenge and inspire.

Glimpses Series
This series of videos considers questions of deep import, from theological, philosophical, and cultural perspectives. The pure, the noble, the praiseworthy, and the beautiful, the good, and the true are the concerns here.
Sign up for our mailing list to receive a copy of my sermon, "Discipleship in the Ashes," reflecting on the difficulties on following Christ in this world and offering encouragement and hope as you live out this calling.
Theological Studies Courses
A Taste for Glory: A Theology of Wonder
Wonder seasons the soul and keeps it young. But what does it mean that God created us to wonder? What should we learn from the fact that we live in a world of wonders? What is the role of wonder in discipleship? This groundbreaking course will lay the groundwork for a theology of wonder.
September 14 - November 2, 2024
$400 / student

The Christian Myteries
The Christian faith is grounded on mystery: the divine nature, the Incarnation of God, the dynamics of grace. But these mysteries are not domains we must not pry into; rather, they are places where our minds are satisfied with perpetual progress deeper into that which we nevertheless will never fully comprehend. Mysteries are things we can always learn more about, but never exhaust. This course will plumb the depths of several core Christian mysteries.
September 10 - November 19, 6 total meetings
$250 / student
The Wisdom of Possibility
This course presents a robust theology of the imagination. We will examine the nature of the imagination, its place in human cognition, and how it functions.
January 11 - March 29, 2025
Tuition: $400 (scholarships available)
Meets weekly for 12 weeks

The Father of Lights
What has the experience of beauty to do with our relationship to God? What place does it have in the Christian life? In this course we will look think about the relation of beauty to God, creatures, and the creaturely experience of beauty.
April 5 - May 24, 2025
Tuition: $400
Meets weekly for 8 weeks
Learning to See the World Theologically
This year-long course will explore the relationship and interaction of philosophy and theology by considering the fundamental questions of each. For example, philosophy asks: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Theology responds: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Philosophy asks “from what?” and theology responds: “from nothing.” Philosophy asks “for what reason?” and theology responds: “for his own glory and pleasure.”
Full academic year
$650 / student

The Arrival of Christ
A 28 day Advent devotional consisting of music and word. Each day's reflection begins with the text of a well-known holiday song. A reflection follows, taking that song as the occasion for spiritual reflection. Each day ends with an instrumental version of the song offered for further reflection.

Medieval Theology
Explore the riches of Medieval theology! We will read Aquinas, Anselm, Hugh of Saint-Victor, and more on topics such as atonement, Trinity, Christology, sacraments, and worship.
Next offering TBD
Tuition: $400
Special Events, Videos, and Resources

In these informal events, I explore big questions , usually with a practical angle. The goal is to bring deep truths to bear on the way we encounter the world, and to offer a space for guided conversation about weighty matters. From the dynamics of reading Scripture to the necessity of dragons, these events challenge and inspire.
Glimpses Video Series
The world is deeper, richer, and in general more than we experience on a daily basis. But the beauty, truth, goodness, and splendor of it break through the defenses of our inattention and obsession with the mundane. In such moments, we get glimpses. This series magnifies such glimpses in the service of developing a fuller life.

More About Our Classes
All of our courses focus on reading primary texts. That means that you won't be reading about Tolkien or Aquinas, you'll be reading them. A major goal of our courses is to introduce you to books and authors that will become lifelong companions on your journey.
A small teacher-student ratio means that you will get individualized attention and that there will always be room for your questions and ideas in the discussion.
Lecture classes don't allow students a role in the discussion, while seminars can sometimes be so given over to student presentations and input that the voice of the teacher gets lost. Our guided seminar combines the best of these approaches, making you a true partner in dialogue with an expert.
Classes are taught live, and there is ample opportunity to ask questions about things that are confusing or unclear.
Classes are recorded, so if you have to miss a session for a schedule conflict or outside need, you can watch the video to get caught up.
You will find our class prices aggressively competitive with comparable instruction. And because we know that even these prices are not accessible to all, we also offer payment arrangements and financial aid.
Sometimes in life, things change. We've got you covered with a refund policy that offers you a full refund through the end of the first class, and a tiered structure after that, so that you can register with confidence.
We inject humor into our classes, modeling the fact that learning is fun. And yet this is never at the expense of anyone, and your voice and value will be protected and nurtured at all times.
Dr. Johnson has taught for over 20 years in a variety of settings, from public schools to Ivy League universities. He brings years of thinking about the craft of teaching and the deft touch of a practiced hand to every class he teaches.
Dr. Johnson has published 4 books and numerous scholarly and popular articles, received 4 master's degrees and a PhD from Yale, and lectured around the country in top universities and at various conferences. His work is recognized for its scholarly rigor and deep insight, and he is known to be a dynamic and engaging speaker.
Join our mailing list to get a copy of "Discipleship in the Ashes," a sermon that will challenge you to remain true to your calling as a citizen of heaven and encourage you as you walk through this ash-choked world.