Omnia Latine Dici Potest
"Everything is able to be said in Latin." This was one of the things I heard frequently from Fr. Reginald Foster, with whom I had the pleasure of studying Latin at the Vatican.
My study of Latin began as a very pragmatic need: as someone working in Medieval theology, I needed to be able to read Latin in order to access primary texts. Latin was to me no more than a means to an end, a necessary tool. Not surprisingly, I found it difficult, annoying, and frustrating. But I couldn’t give up, unless I also wanted to give up my scholarly specialty.
Fortunately, I didn’t stay there. What changed for me was that I stopped seeing the language only as a tool or a means; I became interested in it for its own sake, began to see the beauty in it, and thus to love it apart from what it could do for me. In Rome, the eternal city, studying under one of the great Latinists of our time (and probably all time), I encountered the language on its own terms, and it transformed how I thought about it. On the strength of this new vision of Latin, I became not just proficient, but gained a reputation among my peers as a top Latinist, often sought to consult on difficult issues of translation.
Since then, I have taught Latin to hundreds of students of all ages, and seen that same transformation that unlocked the language for me do so for them. This is what I offer those who come to study with me: not just top-notch Latin instruction, but a vision for the language that brings your goals within your reach, and turns the study of Latin from a duty into a joy.
The Latin Package
The Latin Package for adults brings together all of our intermediate level courses into one affordable bundle. Ranging from reading skills to composition, it contains everything you need to elevate your Latin ability. Check it out now!
Vulgate Podcast!
Follow my adventures reading through the Latin Vulgate, with attention to its grammar, style, and content, on the All Things Wild and Wonderful podcast!

Courses for Young Learners
These courses, designed for students ages 10-18, help to inspire a love of Latin and a strong understanding of how it works. From 1 week Boot Camps that inject new life into a student's study to our month long summer intensive, we have something for every sort of learner.

Courses for Adults
Whether you are the parent of a child studying Latin who wants to learn the basics in order to be more helpful, a teacher or scholar looking for continuing ed to strengthen your Latin reading ability, or just ready to finally learn Latin from the ground up, you'll find courses to help you meet your Latin goals here.

Videos and Resources
Drawn from my study of 12 languages and more than 25 years of teaching, exploring fundamental concepts in language learning, pedagogy, and philosophy.
Get My Latin Charts Free!
I have a very cool way of doing noun and verb charts that help train your brain to read words in the ways a native speaker would: recognizing the elements that go into forming the meaning of the particular form in front of you. I have often wished I had thought of this earlier in my own language studies. Sign up for our mailing list and you can download my charts free!
Courses for Young Learners (ages 12-18)
Speak Like a Roman
A 12 week course introducing students to the practice of speaking and conversing in Latin.
Next offering TBD
Tuition: $300

Courses for Adults
The Latin Learning Track
3 courses designed to teach you Latin from scratch or help you shore up your previous study. Adults and advanced high schoolers.
Latin Morphology
Foundations of Latin Grammar
Intermediate Latin Grammar
Tuition: $200 for Latin Morphology, $600 each for Foundations and Intermediate Grammar, $1200 for all three

Reading Latin Practicum
Read unadapted primary texts from all periods of the language to improve your feel for Latin idiom and your ability to read Latin texts.
January 15 - April 2, 2025
Wednesdays, 5:00 - 6:30 pm CT
Tuition: $450
included in The Latin Package
Meets 12 times
Sub Arboribus
This course, for intermediate and advanced students ages 18+, unites theory and practice to develop the skills necessary to read the most difficult Latin from all periods of the language.
June, 2025
Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 11:30 am CT
Tuition: $500

Latin Dialogues
Extend your understanding and facility in Latin by exploring writing and speaking in community with other curious learners.
February 11 - March 11, 2025
Tuesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 pm CT
Tuition: $200
included in The Latin Package
Introduction to Living Latin
A course to introduce adult Latinists to the practice of speaking Latin.
July 21-25, 2025
3:30 - 5:00 pm CT
Tuition: $125
included in The Latin Package
Meets daily for 1 week

Latin Poetry Seminar
Explore the riches of Latin poetry! We will cover dactylic hexameter and elegiac couplets. Practice sight-scanning and reading of major Latin poems.
October 29 - November 26, 2025
Wednesdays, 5:00 - 7:00 pm CT
Tuition: $200
included in The Latin Package
Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy
Read the first book of one of the great works of late antique philosophy in Latin!
September 3 - October 22, 2025
Wednesdays, 5:00 - 6:30 pm CT
Tuition: $350 per student
included in The Latin Package

Gift Certificates
Gift Certificates are available for specific courses or dollar amounts. Give someone the gift of Latin!

Videos and Resources

All Things Wild and Wonderful Podcast
Join me as I read through the Latin Vulgate, commenting on the grammar, style, and content of the text!
Soundings Video Series
As a student, researcher, and teacher with working competency in 12 languages, I have thought a lot about language, how it works, and how one should teach it. In this video series, I try to distill some key elements of this philosophy of language in short, digestible pieces. At times lofty and at times practical, this videos sound the depths of language and offer insight for the learner and enthusiast alike.

Colloquia Latinitatis
Free evening sessions and recordings on aspects of Latin teaching and learning.
More About Our Classes
While there may not be native speakers of Latin any more, that doesn't mean that it is dead. We aim to connect students to the humanity of Latin, enriching their learning by connecting to the Latin way of looking at the world.
Our commitment to primary texts is present here also: we bring in real Latin as early and often as possible so that students can begin to develop a feel for the language on its own terms.
A small teacher-student ratio means that you will get individualized attention and that there will always be room for your questions and ideas in the discussion.
Some believe that a rigorous engagement with grammar impedes experiencing Latin as a vibrant, living language. We think it is possible to have both, and the latter is important for developing the skills required to excel on national tests and to read the most difficult texts in Latin.
Through Dr. Johnson, students have access to well-developed intuitions about the language formed over many hours of Latin conversation and thousands of pages of Latin text.
Classes are taught live, and there is ample opportunity to ask questions about things that are confusing or unclear.
Classes are recorded, so if you have to miss a session for a schedule conflict or outside need, you can watch the video to get caught up.
You will find our class prices aggressively competitive with comparable instruction. And because we know that even these prices are not accessible to all, we also offer payment arrangements and financial aid.
Sometimes in life, things change. We've got you covered with a refund policy that offers you a full refund through the end of the first class, and a tiered structure after that, so that you can register with confidence.
We inject humor into our classes, modeling the fact that learning is fun. And yet this is never at the expense of anyone, and your voice and value will be protected and nurtured at all times.
Dr. Johnson has taught for over 20 years in a variety of settings, from public schools to Ivy League universities. He brings years of thinking about the craft of teaching and the deft touch of a practiced hand to every class he teaches.
Dr. Johnson has published 4 books and numerous scholarly and popular articles, received 4 master's degrees and a PhD from Yale, and lectured around the country in top universities and at various conferences. He studied Latin at Yale and the Vatican, and his translations have been published, set to music, and used in Hollywood.
Dr. Johnson’s personal, innovative, and engaging instruction has helped me, even as a longtime Latin teacher, to think about Latin in new and surprising ways, which has infused my teaching. I have been humbled and yet inspired anew to value the process more than the result and to share that vital perspective with my students.
Simply put, Junius Johnson is the best Latin teacher I have ever experienced in my many years of supervising education. He is a true scholar of the Latin language from the classical period to the neo-Latin present; he has success teaching every age and skill level. Junius is compassionate with those who are less gifted than he, but still manages to stretch his students in a friendly and inviting manner. I wholeheartedly recommend him to you as your teacher. Trust me, the encounter will be memorable.
Junius Johnson is one of the best professors I have ever encountered. He is deeply knowledgeable and qualified, but also uses humor and a sense of play to foster a collaborative and engaging learning environment — all while pushing his students to do and be their best. He equipped me with the essential skills of nuanced Latin translation, and perhaps just as importantly instilled in me a love for the language and appreciation for its historical development and contexts. More than a decade after studying with him, I continue to benefit from Professor Johnson’s instruction and in fact am currently translating a ninth-century text for publication.